- Comprehensive legal and fundamental economic assessment of investment plan, detection of key areas requiring investment protection, detection of an investment‘s risk areas

- Negotiation with the current owner of an asset

- Preparation of comprehensive transaction documentation for investment implementation and investment protection

Support for private investors includes comprehensive legal advice in various branches of law, aimed at providing a strong legal protection of the asset so that the funds invested appreciate and the specific investment plan is successfully implemented.

I represent both investors who invested their funds into a business that is de facto operated by other parties at its onset, in which case I set up all the contracts that are to define the future rules of operation, as well as investors who have already invested in a certain business and need legal advice in this regard. Alternatively, I represent investors preparing to exit a company.

It is also important to provide legal aid during the phase where an investment is endangered, when there are attempts to illegally devalue it at the expense of the investor and for the benefit of another person or persons. In such a case, it is necessary to react immediately by way of an accelerated complex of legal steps that are capable of stopping the further devaluation of the investment, securing any missing assets and taking a series of measures to further protect the asset.

JUDr. Vít Nevařil, LL.M., advokátní kancelář, Opletalova 1015/55, Praha 1, Nové Město, 110 00

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