- General legal advice in the field of inheritance law

- Assessment of the status of a statutory / testate heir

- Assessment of the validity of a will executed or envisaged, including specific types of wills (allographic, privileged forms of wills and others)

- Representation in an inheritance proceedings undisputed before a notary as a bailiff

- Representation in dispute proceedings relating to inheritance law disputes – on the determination of an heir, validity / invalidity of being left out of a will, validity / invalidity of a will, payment of the settlement share of the forced heir‘s share

- Legal advice to estate administrators during the administration of an estate

I provide legal advice in the field of inheritance law to, for example, people who are deliberating on how to draft a will, as well as to people who have attained the status of an heir. In particular, I focus on providing procedural advice to persons who must enforce their right to inheritance in litigation (for example, under an oral will, legacy, under the law), as they are not treated as heirs.

Furthermore, I render legal services in the course of negotiations between heirs on the settlement of property, which they have acquired by way of joint co-ownership, for example.

If you believe that you have become an heir, but no one is dealing with you as such, or if a decision has actually been made in your disfavour, I will gladly discuss with you the situation that you find yourself in and provide you with a way to exercise your rights.

JUDr. Vít Nevařil, LL.M., advokátní kancelář, Opletalova 1015/55, Praha 1, Nové Město, 110 00

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