- Legal advice in establishing business corporations connected with advice regarding the choice of the appropriate type of corporation, allocation of business shares in relation to the business plan

- Representation of shareholders in all matters relating to the exercise of their rights, settlement of disputes between shareholders

- Holding of general meetings

- Representation in register proceedings

- Representing a business corporation, or creditors, in the recovery of damage caused by statutory representatives

- Representation of statutory representatives during the exercise of their rights

- Representation of shareholders in negotiations upon the entry of a strategic investor, sale of a business share, or shareholder's exit from the company

- Legal advice in relation to the liquidation of the company, renewal of the liquidation of the company

- Preparation of all contractual documentation related to a client's business activities in selected areas of business

- Representation of statutory representatives during the enforcement of their claims

- Representation in negotiations upon the entry of a strategic investor, sale of a business share, or shareholder's exit from the company

- Legal advice in relation to the liquidation of the company, renewal of the liquidation of the company

JUDr. Vít Nevařil, LL.M., advokátní kancelář, Opletalova 1015/55, Praha 1, Nové Město, 110 00

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